This article only applies to providing large sums of liquidity to the DefiPlaza pool. Providing liquidity to the StablePlaza pool can be safely done up to 5 times the TVL of the StablePlaza pool.
Some general advice when adding liquidity to the DefiPlaza pool:
- You get a better deal if you add tokens that are under-represented (at the bottom of the list) on our Analytics page.
- If you want to add more than US$ ~5k in liquidity, it’s better to split over 2 tokens.
- If you want to add more than US$ ~10k in liquidity, it’s better to split over 3 tokens.
- If you want to add more than US$ ~15k in liquidity, it’s better to split over 4 tokens.
- Etcetera etcetera.
- If you want to add more than US$ ~80k in liquidity, it’s better to use the AddMultiple feature.
If you want to use the addMultiple feature there’s the helpful FuruCombo feature that you can use to get 13 of the required input tokens.
DFP2 is best available at DefiPlaza. If you plan to add more than several 100k USD it’s best to obtain DFP2 OTC, or add the DFP2 in several steps, please contact Jazzer to discuss specifics.