Real APYs added to RadixPlaza

Timan Rebel - December 8, 2023

To transparently display the performance of DefiPlaza and CALM in particular, we added the real APYs to all DefiPlaza liquidity pairs.

The XRD base pair has an APY of 24% after IL and without liquidity incentives! Based on data of the last 14 days.

Most DEXs calculate the APY based on just the fees of the last few days.

We use the common calculation to measure “IL vs holding the tokens in your wallet” to calculate the “APY including IL and fees” since the fees autocompound. This means you might see negative APYs if IL has occurred.

The CALM algorithm will work actively to try and reduce the IL when new trades come in.

CALM is DefiPlaza’s novel algorithm on Radix that reduces the Impermanent Loss risk.